Our little baby Zack has been very sick with some sort of stomach virus or something. He has been throwing up all day - for about 5 days. Then Mary and Chelsy got it too. It's really hard on a mom to have three kids to take care of, two kids sick, and feeling sick herself...but my wonderful wife did it all. It was hard on her, but she pushed herself! That day, Mary, pale and tired looking, jumped off the couch and said "Mom! I know what I forgot!!" When Chelsy asked what it was, Mary said "I forgot to pray! Heavenly Father will make me feel better..." So Chelsy got Scott and Zack in the room and they all listened as Mary said the prayer for them to get better. Ahh...the faith of a child is so refreshing! It brings tears of gratitude to my eyes to think of the miracle it was, that almost immediately after her prayer, Heavenly Father blessed her and Chelsy to feel like normal. The tears come because I am so glad to know that He is indeed watching over my family, and keeping them healthy...but even more, that He saw fit to answer the prayer of a little five year old who REALLY believed that He would answer - and He did it in a way that Mary could recognize. Mary asked for a PB & J sandwich and she didn't throw up again - which Chelsy pointed out was a direct answer to Mary's prayer.
The faith of a child...